Friday, October 25, 2013

Fall for new New Adult campaign

I have been excited for the New Adult category ever since I read my first few titles last year. And yes, I have been vocal in some of my reviews over at Reader Girls mentioning how some of the contemporaries have quickly become formulaic. There are still plenty others I love and enjoy, but now I have something else to get all excited over, again. The Fall for new New Adult campaign couldn't be happening at a better time. 

I've wondered why NA has so many contemporary stories and not many touching upon other categories. What about paranormal, historical, mystery, gothic, steampunk-the list goes on. I love YA, but there is also the next step, the natural progression, into adulthood not touched upon in that genre. New Adult fills that void. There is debut as to whether or not NA is actually a genre. I think it is. Since its inception a few years ago, NA authors have focused primarily on contemporary and this campaign is trying to change that. I am thrilled

Why? Because as much as I love reading NA contemporary, my first loves are fantasy and paranormal. Plus, my NaNoWriMo project this year is a New Adult paranormal/magical realism, One Drop. My main character had to be a college student (she stressed this upon me) and the situation she finds herself in just happens to turn strange and otherworldly. My short story, "Powerless," which will be included in the Stalkers anthology next month, is also NA paranormal. I hope to expand upon that story and make it a novella. 

So as the Fall for new New Adult campaign ends, the call and need for other categories of NA will hopefully remain strong. As a writer, I am doing my part to answer it. As a blogger, I am championing its cause. I thank the authors involved with this push as well as the bloggers who answered the request and posted on their blogs.

Pick up this bundle here

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